The end of democratic delusions by George Parker

One response to “The end of democratic delusions by George Parker”

  1. Decades or even generations may be needed to restore language and democracy, Robert Reich warns.

    Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, wearing long robes, sitting at the front seats, blocking trillions and firing tens of thousands of workers in the name of efficiency making people invisible, atomized and commodified.

    In the time of neoliberal incompetence, the median wealth skyrockets when Musk/Bezos/Zuckerberg enters the bar! Firing 6K IRS workers makes life unjust and upside down!

    The failures of the neoliberal brand of capitalism were once again on display in the February 23 German elections. In a political vacuum, with mainstream parties unable to offer anything other than the austerity that has been imposed for decades, the extreme right gains adherents.
    Systemic Disorder

    Speculative investment replaced productive investment. 90% of investment became speculative, said Noam Chomsky. 99% of Republicans voted to replace Medicaid to 80 million with bonuses for the super-rich!

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