Table of Contents and a Short Biography

Table of Contents    

1.  A total mockery of international law – Norman Pesch – 10/2023    

2.  On Peace and Security – Dietrich Bonhoeffer – 1934        

3.  How can we regain peace and how can we keep it? – Eugen Drewermann

4.  What is literature for? – Gunter Grass

5.  Fascism 101 – Walden Bello – 12/2023

6.  Memorandum 2022 and Memorandum 2023 – Bremen study group on Alternative Economics

7.  Video: FDR the Greatest Democratic President – 1 hr 22 min

8.  The military will not solve a single problem – Jurgen Scheffran – 11/2023

9.  The strength of a civilization is in resisting wars

10 Peace Reality or Utopian Dream

11 Anti-war activists in Washington D.C.

12 If you want peace, work for justice

13 America is not a democracy – 2/2024

14 Dear High Commissioner: Help Free Assange! – 3/2024

15 The indispensable opponent – Ingo Schmidt – 2/2024

16 Christ among the rubble – 1/2024

17 John Pilger warns of a new fascism – 1/2024

18 The Rise and Fall of the Second Trump Reich – Thom Hartmann – 1/2024

19 Instrumental Reason and Left Politics – Andreas Hellgermann

20 Cracks in the Culture of Silence – Andy Tamas – 9/2015

21 The division of the world – Wolfgang Bittner – 1/2024

22 The education crisis – Bernd Liske – 12/2023

23 Why anti-fascism? – Tomasz Konicz – 1/2024

24 NATO and the new Cold War – Volker Brauch – 3/2024

25 The difference between wanting to and being able to – Peter Wahl – 3/2024

26 Voices of the Times – 2019

27 Voices of the Times – 2019-2020

28 Voices of the Times – 2019-2014

29 Voices of the Times – 2022

30 Voices of the Times – 2023

31 Voices of the Times – 2023-2024

32 The sun is setting in the West – Hamburg Peace Group – 3/2024

33 We don’t have to be enemies – Svetlana Novoshinova – 3/2024

34 A Self-fulfilling Prophecy: Systematic Collapse – Fabio Vighi

35 Ukraine: The end result will be a frozen conflict – John J Mearscheimer – 3/2024

36 The Crucifixion – John Shelby Spong – 1 hr 11 min

37 A Philosophical Critique – Fabio Vighi – 12/2023

38 All People are Reporters – Geert Lovink – 2011

39 Words on war and peace: Eisenhower and others – 3/2024

40 China in charts – Michael Hudson – 3/2024

41 Forward to the 1930s? – Stephan Schulmeister – 5/2024

42 Troubled Hearts Can Heal – Marc Batko – 5/2024

43 Jesus is Lord, Messiah and Eschatological Prophet – Marc Batko 

44 Netanyahu’s war against the truth – David Goessmann – 5/2024

45 Compassionate Genocide – Michael Marder – 4/2024

46 A Conversation on our Nihilistic Age – Wendy Brown – 1/2024

47 Our Zone of Interest: The Noise of Permanent Warfare – Fabio Vighi – 5/2024

48 Trust in Institutions and the War Dividend – Fabio Vighi – 4/2024

49 When will we finally end the party of the war companies? – David Goessmann – 4/2024

50 The peace teaching of Jesus of Nazareth thrown to the wind – – 4/2024

51 Framing Palestine – Zahi Zallova – 5/2024

52 Israel intensifies Gaza offensive – The Guardian – 5/2024

53 Neoliberalism began its assault – Marc Batko – 5/2024

54 How to Solve the US Housing Problem and Avoid Recession – Paul Davidson – 1/2008

55 How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain – Bobby Azarian – 10/2018

56 Trump and the Danger of Fascism – Marc Batko – 5/2024

57 What does the recognition of Palestine by New Zealand, Ireland and Spain mean? – The Guardian – 6/2024

58 Truth isn’t only in English – Marc Batko – 5/2024

59 Conversation with Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, Citizens United dissenter – 6/2024

60 The Ukrainian attack on global security – Hans Waldrich – 6/2024

61 Multiple Crisis and Catastrophe – Alex Demirovic – 10/2022  



Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1946, I attended Northwestern University and graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  After one year at Rutgers Law School in Newark, N.J., I moved to San Francisco and worked at a small hotel in Berkeley from 1979 to 1999.  I was baptized as a Jewish Christian at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in 1995.  I was overcome by Jurgen Moltmann’s “Theology of Hope” and began my journey as a Kierkegardian/Bonhoefferian prophetic Christian and freelance translator.  Back in 1993, Westminster Press published my translation of Dorothee Soelle’s “On Earth as in Heaven.”

Since moving to Portland in 2000, I have regularly contributed to,, and

As an unrecognized German translator, I am strongly committed to exposing and overcoming authoritarian politics, economic myths, and neoliberal totalitarianism. 


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