for enlightenment and access! could be the people’s publisher! After subscribing or clicking on the website, you can access tens of thousands of publications and articles. Instant enlightenment and access is possible in a world where information and knowledge are free. founded in Denmark has offices in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Palo Alto. The following 234 publications represent a fraction of the 2160 publications that I have uploaded. Happy reading! Enjoy the feast!

Be a nonconformist! Be a post-materialist! Question authority! Resist conventional or trickle-down economic nonsense! Help build a society based on the common good and human rights, not profit-maximization and money-out-of-nothing!

1.    The Journal of Population and Sustainability

2.    The implications of E. Schillebeeckx’s theology of liberation for anthropology and creation

3.    The Historical Development of Dystopian Literature

4.    The Future of the Second Amendment in a Time of Lawless Violence

5.    The Freedom of the Press for Whom?

6.    The Concept of Power and the Zapatistas

7.    The Closing Circle. Part 2 by Barry Commoner

8.    The Fallacy of Success by G. K. Chesterton

9.    The Civilization of Aldous Huxley’s Brave World

10. The Age of Dystopia: One Genre, Our Fears and Our Future

11. The Affluent Society: The Concept of the Conventional Wisdom

12. Black dreams, not nightmares

13. Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia’s Dead End Kids

14. The Supreme Court and the Illegitimacy of Lawless Fourth Amendment Policing

15. Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire

16. State responsibility for violations of international humanitarian law

17. Suffering as Mysterium Iniquitas

18. The Punch Card and the Hourglass by Subcomandante Marcos

19. Study Guide for C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity

20. St. Francis of Assisi”s fatal illness

21. St. Francis of Assisi

22. St. Francis of Assisi and My Lady Poverty

23. St. Francis of Assisi and Ecological Conversion

24. Soren Kierkegaard

25. The Issue of Politization of Mysticism in the Theology of Dorothee Soelle

26. The Thought Experimenting Qualities of Kierkeaard’s Fear and Trembling

27. The Doctrine of Creatio Ex Nihilo in the Thought of Soren Kierkegaard

28. Sheldon Wolin’s (In)Vocations: Dichotomies, Paradoxes, and the Mystery of Politics

29. Emperor’s New Clothes: The Mediation Mythology and Markets

30. Political Theory as a Vocation

31. The Question of Radicalism in Sheldon Wolin’s Political Thought: A Marxist Perspective

32. Sheldon Wolin and Democracy: Seeing Through Loss

33. Dorothee Soelle: Justice Theologian Par Excellence

34. The Second Bill of Rights

35. Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology

36. Edward Schillebeeckx on Suffering

37. Edward Schiillebeeckx – In Memoriam

38. Edward Schillebeeckx on Theological Resourcement

39. Political Economy: A Brief History of Global Capitalism

40. The Situationist International: A Case of Spectacular Neglect

41. Rousseau and Representative Democracy Reconsidered: Rehabilitating the General Will

42. Are the Media Killing Democracy?

43. Robert Jenson and Post-Modernism

44. Reflections Over the Long Haul: A Memoir

45. Robert McAfee Brown

46. The Rise of Postmaterialist Values and Changing Religious Orientations, Gender Roles & Sexual Norms

47. Marxism in a Bug-Shell

48. Start with Worker Self-Directed Enterprises

49. Understanding Marxism

50. The Empirical Failures of Neoliberalism – 2020

51. Revisiting Herbert Marcuse

52. Review of Elisabeth Fiorenza’s In Memory of Her

53. Review of Loic Wacquant: Toward a Critical Sociology.

54. Rethinking government and its economy with Giorgio Agamben

55. The Hidden Messages in Oscar Wilde’s “The Happy Prince”

56. Puzzling Parables

57. Prayer of Thomas Merton

58. Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

59. Post-war reconstruction and development in the Golden Age of Capitalism

60. Power and management according to Agamben

61. Post-Materialism What Divides Youth in Taiwan and China

62. Post-materialistic environmental attitudes

63. Oscar Wilde on Paradox

64. Materialist and Post-Materialist Concerns in 27 Countries

65. Post-Materialism versus The Welfare State?

66. Oscar Wilde as A Trail Blazer Dramatist

67. Post-Materialism and Environmental Values in Developed vs Semi-Developed Countries

68. Politics and Vision

69. Providence, Creation, and Gnosticism According to the Gnostics

70. Post-materialism as a Dimension of Cultural Change

71. What is Political Theory and Why Study It? – Sheldon Wolin

72. Capitalism, food, and social movements

73. Polanyi, Markets and Society

74. Karl Polanyi, the Market and Socialism

75. Polanyi’s Great Transformation and the concept of the embedded economy

76. Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology

77. Polanyian Lessons for Our Days

78. Pledging Peace in Aldous Huxley’s Eyeless in Gaza

79. Capitalism and Planetary Destruction: Activism for Climate Change Emergency

80. Review of Giorgio Agamben: The Open

81. Paulo Freire

82. People of the Sun: The EZLN in an Age of Mass Media

83. Thomas Merton: Peacemaker in a Divided Christendom

84. Paulo Freire

85. Participation Now! Citizenship Education and Democracy in Times of Change

86. The Parables

87. A Study of the Parables of Jesus

88. The Parables of Jesus

89. Parables of Jesus

90. Parables for the blind and the deceived

91. Oscar Wilde on Paradox

92. Orwell versus Huxley

93. Polanyi’s substantive approach to the economy

94. Orwell the Underdog

95. Overcoming Fundamentalism – 2017

96. Politics and the English Language

97. George Orwell

98. from 1984

99. George Orwell and the Politics of Truth

100.The Legal Obligation to Prevent Genocide in Gaza

101.Stopping the Anthropological Machine

102. An Obituary of Bishop Pedro Casaldaliga

103. Obituary J.K. Galbraith

104. Neoliberal governance and sustainable development

105. Noam Chomsky’s Critique of Eco-Imperialism

106 The Great Financial Crisis – John Bellamy Foster

107 Exception to the Rulers – Amy and David Goodman

108 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

109 The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism – David Harvey

110 Death of a Yuppie Dream – Barbara Ehrenreich

111 Democracy for the Few – Michael Parenti

112 The Conservative Movement up to Reagan

113 The coming insurrection – The Invisible Committee

114 The Middle Class Professional at Risk – Barbara Ehrenreich

115 Hegemony or Survival – Noam Chomsky

116 Taking the Risk out of Democracy

117 Capitalism and Slavery

118 Imperialism and World Economy

119 A Brief History of Neoliberalism – David Harvey

120 Labor and Monopoly Capitalism

121 The Food Wars – Walden Bello

122 Economic Interpretation of the Constitution – Charles Beard

123 Anarchism

124 America Gets Away with Murder

125 ABCs of Anarchism

126 The Age of Trump and Twitter

127 Serving in Florida – Barbara Ehrenreich

128 Creating Alternative Futures – Hazel Henderson

129 Paradigms in Progress – Hazel Henderson

130 Time to Wake Up! – Barbara Ehrenreich

131 Welcome to Cancerland – Barbara Ehrenreich

132 Nickle and Dimed – Barbara Ehrenreich

133 Teaching in the Time of Trump

134 The pathway out of neoliberalism

135 In the ruins of neoliberalism – Wendy Brown

136 Neoliberalism: Prasad symposium

137 Post-truth politics and neoliberal competition

138 Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach

139 The Manipulation of Ideological Criticism in the Quest for Global Hegemony

140 The Neoliberal Self

141 Neoliberalism and Union Decline

142 Neoliberalism: Theories and Practices

143 Neoliberalism and Public Service

144 Neoliberalism: An Introduction

145 Neoliberalism, Authoritarian Politics and Social Policy in Chna

146 Neoliberalism and Immigration

147 Neoliberalism and Creative Destruction

148 Neoliberalism and Manipulation

149 Neoliberalism as an object of political analysis

150 Neoliberal Nightmares

151 Neoliberal Ideology and Democratic Learning

152 From modernization  to neoliberalism

153 The Neoliberal Thought Collective Under Erasure

154 The Neoliberal Co-option of the Feminist Movement

155 Liberalism and Neoliberalism

156 Globalization and Neoliberalism

157 Nine Lives of Neoliberalism

158 The (im)possibility of intellectual work in neoliberalism

159 Critique of neoliberalism in MIchel Foucault

160 Noam Chomsky: 10 strategies of manipulation

161 People v Trump, 92 pp

162 Predictably unpredictable

163 The memetic cult of personality of politicians during the pandemic

164 The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of Donald Trump in Office

165 The Cult of Trump

166 The role of pseudo-cognitive authorities and self-deception

167 Matthew Fox’s Creation Spirituality

168 You are a Priest Forever

169 The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest

170 Populist Nationalism in the Age of Trump

171 Plato’s Republic on Democracy

172 The phenomenon of the personality cult

173 Matthew Fox: A Way to God

174 Dr. Dave interviews Matthew Fox

175 Matthew Fox Interview

176 The Authentic Appeal of the Lying Demagogue

177 Critical disinformation studies

178 Judge J. Michael Luttig on Jan 6 and the Indictment of President Donald Trump

179 Statement for the Record on Jan 6

180 D Trump’s Jan 6th Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis

181 Trumpian Demagoguery

182 A Critique of the Elitist Theory of Democracy

183 Free Media and Democracy

184 D Trump and the Norms of the Presidency

185 Demagogues and the Fragility of Democracy

186 Narratives of Power

187 The Rhetoric of our Celebrity Demagogue

188 Dangerous Demagogues and Weaponized Communication

189 The cult of personality in totalitarian propaganda 

190 Creation Spirituality and Lutheranism 

191 Environment as Religtion

192 What is Creation Centered Spirituality?

193 A Consumer Guide to Insurance Fraud

194 Celebrity Lawyers and the Cult of Personality

195 Book Review: American Demagogues

196 Book Review: Digital Demagogue

197 Donald Trump and American Populism

198 Foundations of Ecological Reformation: Jurgen Moltmann

199 Our Cries in HIs Cry: Suffering and the Crucified God

200 The Development and Influence of Moltmann’s Theology

201 Autonomy and freedom in Jurgen Moltmann’s political theology

202 Dietrich Bonhoeffer

203 Beyond in the Midst of Life: Bonhoeffer’s Religionlesss Christianity

204 A qualitative analysis of sensationalism in the media

205 Demagogues and Dictators

206 The Evolutionary Psychology of Mass Mobilization

207 Panic

208 The Fear of Missing Out as an Advertising Tactic

209 Laudato Si: Creation Spirituality

210 The Founding Nightmare Realized: Trump

211 Digital Demagogue: Trump

212 How a Demagogue Framed His Presidency

213 Post-Truth Demagoguery

214 Who’s the Biggest Demagogue?

215 On American Demagoguery to National Security

216 Using the 25th Amendment to Remove an Unfit President

217 Huey P. Long: “Every Man a King”

218 Demagogues

219 Demagoguery and Political Rhetoric

220 Populism

221 Demagoguery and `Re-visioning’ Democracy

222 How Democracy is being Strangled by Stealth

223 What Makes a Demagogue?

224 Progress without People – David F. Noble

225 Ruling America

226 In the Shadows of the American Century – Alfred McCoy

227 The State in Capitalist Society

228 Triumph of Conservatism – Gabriel Kolko

229 Worker Cooperatives and Revolution  – Chris Wright

230 Working Class Radicalism

231 Anarcho-syndicalism

232 Strike! – Jeremy Brecher

233 Wall Street – Doug Henwood

234 Subterranean Fire. Working Class Radicalism – Sharon Smith

One response to “ for enlightenment and access!”

  1. […] To date, Batko has uploaded 2,160 written works to the platform. He has released an article outlining his 234 best publications, and this list includes must-read titles such as ‘The Journal of Population and Sustainability’, ‘The Historical Development of Dystopian Literature’, ‘Political Theory as a Vocation’, ‘The Second Bill of Rights’, and ‘George Orwell and the Politics of Truth’. This list can be viewed now by visiting […]

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