CBO: Extending Trump Tax Cuts Will Cost Nearly $5 Trillion
New estimates from the Congressional Budget Office put a price tag of nearly $5 trillion on extending all the Trump-GOP tax law, mostly scheduled to expire at the end of 2025.
Trump Does Not Have Mandate
Peter Dreier
December 11, 2024
Talking Points Memo
Newspaper headlines have called Donald Trump’s victory “decisive,” “massive,” “resounding,” “historic,” and “sweeping.” None of those things are true.
Reagan’s Advisor: Trump’s Trade War is Crippling Dollar Hegemony|Professor Steve Hanke
12/13 – 12 min
Breaking down the ‘China Collapse’ theory with Jeffrey Sachs
12/10 – 29 MIN
Marc Batko<p>The anxiety of affluence</p><p> The American Republic has been pulled down, possibly past the point of no return, by affluent people. People who have lives their ancestors would have literally killed for. Who on average spend 10% of their pay on groceries, the lowest in the country’s history, not to mention human history. Who are lashing out at others at the slightest inconvenience, because they want to lash out at others. <br />The Ink</p>
Marc Batko<p>Time magazine’s interview with President-elect Donald Trump, published yesterday, revealed a man who was so desperate to be reelected to the presidency that he constructed a performance that he believed would woo voters, but who has no apparent plans for actual governance.<br />HC Richardson. 12/13/2024</p>
Breaking down the ‘China Collapse’ theory with Jeffrey Sachs
12/10 – 29 MIN

YouTubeBreaking down the ‘China Collapse’ theory with Jeffrey SachsBy CGTN
Facts Are A-Changin’
What the Bob Dylan Biopic ‘A Complete Unknown’ Gets Wrong
The Timothée Chalamet film traces Dylan’s life from 1961 to 1965. We detected at least 27 places where it veers from historical record
Dec 11, 2024
The Rolling Stone
This article is a treasure for Dylan newbies and diehard fans!!!