US election: Why Joe Biden’s withdrawal is unlikely to prevent Donald Trump’s re-election
by Harald Neuber, editor of the German news journal Telepolis, 7/22 www.indybay.org Even if some Democrats are likely to be relieved that the ailing Biden is no longer in the race, Harris’ nomination is by no means certain. Other Democratic candidates are likely to come forward in the coming weeks. Names such as Secretary Buttigieg,…
Housing Affordability: Challenge and Context by Cushing N. Dolbeare, 2000
Housing Affordability: Challenge and ContextCushing N. Dolbeare, 2000, 9 pp ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Myths and Stereotypes about Affordable HousingJune 2004 – 5 pp Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
Issuu.com for enlightenment and access!
www.issuu.com could be the people’s publisher! After subscribing or clicking on the website, you can access tens of thousands of publications and articles. Instant enlightenment and access is possible in a world where information and knowledge are free. issuu.com founded in Denmark has offices in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Palo Alto. The following 234 publications represent…
Totalitarian Economy and Paranoia of Terror
The Death Wish of Capitalist Reason by Robert Kurz Krise und Kritik der Warengesellschaft
Issuu.com with offices in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Palo Alto could be the people’s publisher. Issuu.com turns everything into a flipbook or magazine if you upload the article with a pdf. Subscribe or click on the website and gain instant enlightenment and access to tens of thousands of publications! We live in a knowledge vacuum and…
Teaching in the Time of Trump by Benjamin Justice and Jason Stanley Jan/Feb 2016
As the opposition party to the incumbent president, Republicans would naturally want to paint our present reality negatively, and scapegoating is always easier to sell than real solutions for politicians of any party. Moreover, illegal immigration and foreign (as opposed to domestic) extremism have been long-term concerns of Republicans in particular, but Democrats as well….
Cuban missile crisis on steroids –
US complicit in Israel aid Conversation with economist Michael Hudson and Green candidate for US President Jill SteinJuly 31, 2024 – 1 hr 31 min
Gangster capitalism and nostalgic authoritarianism in Trump’s America by Henry A Giroux
Gangster capitalism and nostalgic authoritarianism in Trump’s America
Donald Trump and George Orwell
Donald Trump and George OrwellOn the conjuncture of the dystopian novel 1984 with the election campaign and the presidency of Donald Trump By Patricia Hammer and Magdalena Kanther. [This article posted in April 2018 is translated from the German on the Internet, http://www.portalideengeschichte.de.] Preliminary remarks: The text documents the results of the module “Research Project:…
Digital Demagogue: The Critical Candidacy of Donald J. Trump by Amy E. Mendes
Digital Demagogue: The Critical Candidacy of Donald J. Trump by Amy E. Mendas Tue, Jul 23, 2024 6:02AM Over the last several months, businessperson Donald Trump has taken the lead in the Republican primary race. His flamboyant personality and unusually aggressive speech has drawn much attention and criticism. Journalists and academics have posited that Trump’s…