In our world of manufactured consent and elite democracy, the loudest voice is often mistaken for the strongest and most believable voice. Born with a spoon in his mouth, Donald Trump claims to be “the Chosen One” and “doesn’t mind being the Nelson Mandala of our generation. In his two 2017 tax heists, $8 trillion was given to corporations & households with over $1 million!
Beware the Security State or the Emergency State!, 1/13/2025
by Marc Batko (marc1seed [at];
[This article is available on the Internet,]
“International Jewry is exterminating Germany.” The purity of the Aryan race is polarized by Jews who are all Marxists and Communists, Hitler repeated time and again in “Mein Kampf.” Total war must be waged against these invaders and poisoners. All power and authority had to be given to the Fuhrer (leader) to achieve the greatest efficiency.
The church exists for the world, for the other, the poor, refugees, the excluded and the persecuted. Only those who said a word for the Jews could sing Gregorian. The church doesn’t exist for itself but for God’s lost, degraded and discriminated people. So Dietrich Bonhoeffer preached in the underground Confessing Church after Hitler commanded the submission and subordination of all society to his absolute power. The Barmen Confession of 1934 written by the German theologian Karl Barth and others declared that Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Word of God who alone must be obeyed in life and death. All other powers and authorities must be subordinated to Jesus Christ. Jesus’ authority as the Messiah and Son of God was prophesied in the Old Testament, in the Psalms, Micah and Isaiah.
In the 1840s, the prolific philosopher and theologian Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) sought to introduce New Testament Christianity into the comfortable, conventional Christianity of bourgeois Copenhagen, Denmark. Christianity is beyond tribal religions, “feel-good” religions and reason. God revealed himself in his Word and in active solidarity in history. Jesus’ words and actions, his parables and resistance to the Jewish scribes and Pharisees constitute the Christian life to be passed on to the world and to coming generations. Dogmas, customs, habits, ceremonies, and church laws must never be confused with God’s revelation.
We are called to be in the world, not of the world. If you love father or mother more than me, you are not worthy of me. The Samaritan proved to be the true neighbor in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The tax collector who said only `God be merciful to me a sinner’ went home justified, not the Pharisee who boasted of his personal goodness and self-righteousness. Those who worked one hour received the same wage, a denarius, as those who toiled all day. Knowledge of God and fellowship with the justice-loving God is the true reward that gives
believers eternal life and bread and water that endure.
Jesus warned his disciples of false teachers and false Christs who dress in long robes, sit in the front seats of the synagogues, and confuse the law and the gospel. “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. “The birds have nests, the foxes have holes, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” “Be not anxious what you will eat, drink or wear.” The flowers are more glorious than Solomon in all his splendor. The sparrows do not store provisions in barns. You are worth more than many sparrows. Trust in the Everlasting!
In our world of manufactured consent and elite democracy, the loudest voice is often mistaken for the strongest and most believable voice. Born with a spoon in his mouth, Donald Trump claims to be “the Chosen One” and “doesn’t mind being the Nelson Mandala of our generation. In his two 2017 tax heists, $8 trillion was given to corporations and households with over one million dollars. Now on January 10, 2025, ten days before his inauguration, he claims Greenland is “vital for our economic security,” not affordable apartments, transitional shelters, redistribution, or strengthening social security. In many analyses, Trump was elected as the one superior in economic thinking. That he recommended drinking bleach to cure COVID, dismissed climate change as a hoax, ignored his six bankruptcies and was convicted of 37 felonies of falsifying business records and insurance and bank fraud was seemingly forgotten.
Confirming Erich Fromm’s conclusion in “Escape from Freedom,” enough people saw Trump as the strong man and believed immigrants caused a crime wave to make him president. The man of entertainment and distraction, the arrogant moron, pathological liar, narcissist, scaremonger par excellence and digital demagogue fooled enough people. He is not the Chosen One. God help us!
Trump is a salesman, not a statesman, who changes his pitch to fit his audience. He slanders and degrades women, handicapped, foreigners, and critics mercilessly. We are all victims of the liberal media. He says one thing and does another. He loves himself and is not a friend of workers. Imposing a 25% tariff on Canada and Mexico is a devastating threat. Trump is a loud, bellicose entertainer who distracts as if housing, tax, bank stability, and currency uncertainty could be easily forgotten. We receive four million barrels of vital oil from O Canada every
day. New York, Michigan, and Wisconsin depend on Canadian energy to keep their lights on.
Trump will have to walk up many flights of stairs with a candle when the electricity is cut off, former Canadian premier Jean Chretien warned! Perhaps Americans will have to develop a taste for soybeans since China is retaliating with a 50% or 74% tariff on imported products! Pride and arrogance will prove very costly!
The easier way is to mend our own pockets! Neoliberalism, privatization, deregulation, liberalized markets (casino economy), tax havens, the tax avoidance industry, stock-buybacks, micro-second betting and insider trading have impoverished the US along with endless wars since 2001. The financial sector should be radically reduced and the public sector expanded. Quantitative growth and extraction should give finally way to qualitative growth and free community colleges. A Marshall Plan for Journalism run by progressive foundations would bring a surge of public spirit and positivity. People could live fulfilled creative lives as reporters, writers, poets, translators and editors and not be cogs or machines in late-stage financial capitalism headed for the dustbin!