Articles on

August 2022 to October 2024 is our only indymedia site that is working. Anyone can comment immediately and join the counterculture fighting for democracy, critical and independent journalism.

It is time for all progressives to unite against the fascist Republican Party!

Trump is a pathological liar, a pathological narcissist only intent on his own enrichment. According to MSNBC, he accumulated more debt than all US presidents combined with his two 2017 tax heists giving $8 trillion to corporations and individuals with over a million dollars. He was convicted of 37 felonies and encouraged the January 6, 2021 insurrection of the Capital. He threatens to imprison millions in deportation camps and to prosecute his political critics. He analyzes the economy by comparing two different sizes of Tic-Toc breath fresheners. He is a scare-monger and fear-mongerer who uses Hitler words “vermin,” “killers,” and “invaders” to dehumanize the left, immigrants and the desperately poor.

Translated Articles on

August 2022 to October 2024

  1.  Hiroshima is everywhere. The never-ending struggle by Leo Ensel & Andreas Zumach
  2. Oregon: The toughest heat protection law in the US by Daniela Gschwing
  3. Opportunity instead of crises & End this madness by Urs P Gasche & Yanis Varoufakis
  4. White Man’s War by Erhard Crome
  5. The birth of pandemic & The war of perception by Jones Togel & Felix Abt
  6. The war canot be won by Luxemburg journal
  7. The necessary breach & Rackets & Rockets  by Tomasz Konicz
  8. End of the superpower & Catastrophic escalation by Lorenz Glanz & Tomasz Konicz
  9. Spiral downward & No exit! BY Claus Peter Ulrich & Herbert Bottcher
  10. Only a progressive tax revolution can stop climate collapsed by Ulrich Thielemann
  11. Happy Anti-War Day! & The weapons must be silent by Otto Konig & Richard Detje
  12. Economic war instead of climate policy & Russia as enemy by Georg Auernheimer & FHomann
  13. How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbatchev by Thomas Palley & Leo Ensel
  14. We are witnessing the collapse of diplomacy by Christrian Hacke & Peter Novak
  15. Question sanctions and the cry of the poor by Herbert Stern & Roland Rottenfusser
  16. The thought matrix expands by Marco P Schott
  17. Pandemic & The Policy Roots of a Steady-State Economy by James Magnus Johnston
  18. For an anti-imperialism in solidarity by Urs P Gasche
  19. Nobody knew China landed on the moon and Bill Gates by Urs P Gasche
  20. Has the West stopped diplomatic negotiations on Ukraine? By David Goessmann
  21. Ukraine war – a new stage by Bernhard Romeike & Tomasz Konicz
  22. Putin escalates: how should we react now? By Harald Neuber
  23. We need an Enlightenment 2.0. On Misguided Colonial & Gender Policy by Louis Henri Seukwa
  24. Don’t just worry about nuclear war – Do Something to Help Prevent It by Norman Solomon
  25. The attacks on Nord Stream & The elephant in the room by JBerger,  AUrban, Wetzel & Fwarweg
  26. The Slave State by Richard Abelson
  27. Working Class Hero by Tom-Oliver Regenauer
  28. The Conformity Forge & The Alchemy of Evil by Maximillan Rupert & Willy Meyer
  29. It’s time for progressives to unite against the fascist Republican Party by Norman Solomon
  30. The property question & A new age of censorship is dawning by T Kirnse, U Gasche & H Schebon
  31. In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The nuclear war bluff by Ehlers, Aerbock &Obrecht
  32. Propaganda against war fatigue & 12 theses for survival by Georg Rammer  Berhard Trautvetter
  33. Let the advertising die!  by Christian Kreiss & Tim Jackson
  34. Against the cannibilism of capital by N Fraser and A Demirovic
  35. Who can afford capitalism anymore? & Why are prices rising? By Suitbert Cechura  GSpeckmann
  36. Charity means toppling the powerful and The cry of the poor by Julia Lis, B Kern & Rrottenfusser
  37. In the Trap of NATO & The Collapse of US Hegemony by Rudolf Bradner & Mingi Li
  38. Misjudgments & Biden’s Foreign Policy by Peter Vonnahme & Jeffrey Sachs
  39. The psychology of warmongers & The war cannot be won by KJ Bruder & Silvia Federici
  40. Farewell to the uni-polar world & Disaster capitalism-Back to Marx by M Brockers &  Mhaller
  41. Social division in the schools & 7 challenges to the welfare state by C Butterwegge Spriklbauer
  42. Lockdown light – Corona crisis and Capitalism by J Goldberg & M Zander
  43. Russia’s war in the mirror of western international law nihilism & propaganda by Alex Neu
  44. The geopolitical confrontation & Peace logic by Karin Kulow & Jurgen Scheffran
  45. Compendium of Propaganda by W Meyer & A Behrend
  46. The American Century was yesterday by R J DeLapuente & Oscar Lafontaine
  47. How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe by Ralf Streck
  48. Canary in the coal mine. Twitter & End of Social Media by Crimethinc
  49. War in Ukraine. NATO taboos fall by R Bathon & R Streck
  50. Critique of Religion & Market Religion & Post-colonialism by F Hinkelammert  & SPutte
  51. The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible by R DeLapuente & Jeffrey Sachs  
  52. The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor by Marc Batko, W Meyer & K Chavant
  53. Astonishment. The Beginning & End of Theology by Werner Neuer, Iillich & E Drewermann
  54. Utopias & Dystopias and Cooperation with China by Dieter Funke & Michael Klare
  55. Rethinking the State & Rent Madness by Hartmut Reiners & Andrej Holm
  56. Battle for Social Democracy & Unfettered Capitalism by Marc Saver & Rainer Hank
  57. Cacophony of Corporatism by T Regenauer, Jeff Cohen and Grossmann
  58. The Myth of the Moderate Republican by Norman Solomon
  59. Negotiated Solution – No Alternative! By Wolfgang Herzberg and Tomasz Konicz
  60. What are the chances for peace in the Ukraine? By Harald Neuber
  61. How foreign policy elites are losing contact with their citizens by Kelley B Ukahos
  62. The Club of Right-wing Apostles by Thomas Schwendener
  63. Russia’s war against Ukraine & What are the war aims?  by Herbert Bertsch & Peter Wahl
  64. Turn of the times & Negotiations instead of truce by Peter Becker & Gen Erich Vad
  65. There is nothing to fear from China by Hans Bohler & Klaus von Dohnang
  66. Democracies against Autocracies by Conrad Schuhler
  67. Why War? By A Einstein, S Freud, & W Borchert
  68. The right to water and 7 challenges to the welfare state by S Pirklbauer
  69. RAND Corporation  & No one can win this war by Michael Maier
  70. The brainwashing plant & Against forgetting by V Schuhmacher & R Rottenfusser
  71. The coup from above & The Decline of Civilization by Ulrich Mies & Felix Feistel
  72. Stumbling into world war & Ukraine war by Sahra Wagenknecht &  C Habermann
  73. No nuclear war in Europe & Glorification of Violence by O Lafontaine & C Zihenter
  74. A terribly powerful family – Bush clan by Tom-Oliver Regenauer
  75. Jan 30, 1933 & Media make politics by Georg Rammer
  76. Total victory over nuclear states is not possible without nuclear war by Volker Moser
  77. The final system question Parts 1 & 2 by Bertram Burian
  78. Journalism is in denial & China mediation by Willy Sabowski
  79. China’s peace plan & It’s about everything by Bernhard Trautvetter
  80. Inflation debate & The inflation conundrum by Yves Wegelin
  81. UN Charter & Negotiations by Michael von der Schulenberg & Sabine Schaffer
  82. Defensive Invasion & Strategies of Power by Gabriele Gysi & R Rottenfusser
  83. The sacred cow & The propaganda machine by Rainer Sonnberg  & Byorn Paech
  84. Who’s in control of how we research the war?  By Jeremy Earp
  85. Financial crisis. It’s crashing again and The time of change by T Walter and GW Smigelski
  86. War poker & Imperial moralism by Sergei Halimi
  87. New old financial crisis & China’s peace plan  by Klaus Wegener
  88. Emancipation in Crisis  by Tomasz Konicz
  89. Inflation, Ukraine and China  by D Goessmann & A Bacevich
  90. Senile economics: Bubble ontology and the Pull of gravity  by Fabio Vighi
  91. Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war  by Ingar Solty
  92. The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle  by subcomandante Marcos
  93. The Legacy of Liberation Theology  by Sebastian Paul & Kirstin Dietrich
  94. The war must be ended as soon as possible  by Tilo Graser & Gabriela Krone-Schmalz
  95. Kissinger’s Culpability  by The Progressive
  96. Compensatory Rhetoric  by Bernhard Romeike
  97. Is  Israel  on the brink of civil war?  by Friedrich Steinfeld
  98. Blow up the banking system! A free account for all is possible  by Yanis Varoufakis
  99. Persons without a center  by Lily Gebert

100 Why the US bank crisis is not over  by Michael Hudson

101 Brazil’s Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance  by Ben Norton

102 Is our system still capable of solving the big problems of the future?  by Timo Rieg

103 Nord Stream 1 & 2  by Peter Vonnahme

104 Nord Stream as a reason for war  by Florian Warweg

105 At universities, the reality of the financial casino is taboo  by Urs P Gasche

106 Daniel Ellsberg Against the Doomsday Machine  by Judith Ehrlich

107 Ukraine war & Why is the Pentagon actually running out of ammo?  By David Goessmann

108 Is it possible to negotiate with Putin?  by Ulrike Simon

109 Bush’s Mission Accomplished 20 Years Late  by Norman Solomon

110 China’s rise as a superpower & The crumbling US empire  by Andrew Bacewich    

111 Why China won’t replace the US as hegemon  by Tomasz Konicz

112 Ukraine will not win. Only a peace plan by the major powers can end the war  by S M Walt

113 US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine by Ben Norton

114 Militarization and rearmament must be confronted  by Benedikt Kern & Julia Lis

115 Michael Hudson on de-dollarization by Ben Norton & Michael Hudson

116 The Speech That Biden Should Give. I’ve Changed My Mind  by Norman Solomon

117 Dinosaurs Became Birds. Humanity Became an Ostrich  by Nayuin Cuordon  5/18/2023

118 The US Empire & the complicity of intellectuals   by Bonaventura de Sousa Santos

119 Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism  by Stephan Schulmeister

120 Why do the lambs remain silent?   by Rainer Mausfeld

121 Covert Wars in the Shadow of International Law  by Norman Paech

122 The end of work by Norbert Trenkle

123 Loss of reality and bellicism  by Andreas Urban

124 In Ukraine, it’s coming down to an endless war of position by John Mearsheimer

125 Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country by Christoph Butterwegge

126 Daniel Ellsberg Has Passed Away. He Left Us A Message  by Norman Solomon

127 Capital in the 2020s by Thomas Piketty

128 Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Dead at 92 by Common Dreams

129 Who determines the rules of the “rules-based world order”? by Peter Novak

130 The Superiority Conceit of the West Crumbles by Ulrich Guhi

131 Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment by Ingar Solty

132 Authoritarian Capitalism  by Ingar Solty

133 The US’s Systematic Racism Includes Its Wars by Norman Solomon

134 The Patriotism of Killing and Being Killed by Norman Solomon

135 The End of the “Golden Age” of Capitalism & the Rise of Neoliberalism by T Konicz

136 The Great Leap Backwards by Wes (Scoop) Nisker

137 Making Madness Normal in Wartime by Norman Solomon

138 China’s further development has priority by Wolfgang Mueller

139 The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego by Paul Reynolds

140 Who fuels war and profits from it? By Matthew Hoh

141 Biden & Cluster Munitions.  In a Dark Time, the Eye Begins to See by N Solomon

142 Everyone wants peace  by Rudiger Rauls

143 The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar by Oleg Nesteremko

144 The selfishness virus  by Leila Christa Dragger

145 Is the US a Failed State?  By Michael Hudson

146 The Work Fetish  by Felix Feistel

147 Ukraine & the powerful resurgence of US Empire by Andrew Bacevich

148 Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History  by Noam Chomsky

149 Decades Later US Government Called Hiroshima and Nagasaki “Nuclear Tests”  N Solomon

150 The continuity of the lie  by Chris Hedges

151 When everything tips over  by Juliane Schumacher

152 Religious Fundamentalism:  An Ambivalent Phenomenon  by Carla Herrmann

153 Caught in the discourse of power  by Susan Bonath

154 Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war  by Jeremy Corbyn

155 The greatest show on earth  by Daniele Ganser

156 Welcome to post-democracy!  By Tomasz Konicz

157 Inverted World   by Michael Sailer

158 After Capitalism  by Ernst Hellmann

159 UN Charter must be heart & soul of any new peace architecture   by M von der Schulenburg

160 The war cannot be won  by

161 Happy Anti-War Day September 1! Say No!  by Angela Klein

162 Climate catastrophe & freedom of consumption  by Thomas Meyer

163 How 9/11 Bred a War on Terror from Hell  by Norman Solomon

164 Ukraine war: the business with death  by Frank Haubold

165 De-escalation instead of war of attrition  by Lia Becker

166 Shock therapy without end  by Justin Turpel

167 Climate strike: How elites have been fighting Generation Alarm

168 What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress  by Elisabeth Bronfen

169 Biden touts Vietnam War as Proud History  by Norman Solomon

 170 We are Zombies  by Tomasz Konicz

171 Courage ahead!  by Kerstin Chavent

172 Housing is a Human Right  by Franz Segbers

173 Pope Francis – Laudate Deum  by Jubilee USA

174 Ice Age: How Russia is Demonized  by Gabriele Krone-Schmalz

175 On Peace and Security 1934  by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

176 Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing US towards Another Cold War  by TRiegel Pbennis

177 The refugee crises were triggered by warmongerers

178 From war to ecocide in Ukraine  by Karl-Heinz Peil

179 How can we regain peace and how can we keep it  by Eugen Drewermann

180 A totsal mockery of international law by Norman Paech

181 Qualitative Break:Why a Radical Critique of Work is Necessary Today by Norbert Trenkle

182 Biden is a Genocide-denier by Norman Solomon

183 Capitalism as Mental Illness by Eric Anderson

184 Too big to fail, too weak to lead by Ingo Schmidt

185 Israel’s Military is Part of the US War Machine by Norman Solomon

186 Cottage with a catastrophic view by Tomasz Konicz

187 The military will not solve a single problem by Jurgen Scheffran

188 Unprecedented Worldwide Protests Supporting Palestinians by MEMC

189 The Solution is Social Housing by Ryan Cooper

190 Thefour-day work week as a transformation project by Philipp Frey

191 Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere by Henry A Giroux

192 Asylum policy: how to create a permanent crisis by Judith Salalin & Lukas Tobler

193 Hope despite the mess! By Peter Debrock

194 For Media Elites, War Criminal Henry Kissinger was a Great Man by Norman Solomon

195 Fairer Taxes & Inheritance for All! By Thomas Piketty

196 How the US has Darkened the Nuclear Cloud Ogver Humanity by Norman Solomon

197 The Problem is Institutional Racism by Deniz Utlo

198 Conformity Media Outlets Hide Reality of Power by Norman Solomon

199 What Daniel Ellsberg Knew About Doomsday  by Norman Solomon

200 The Consensus Factory  by Wolfgang Teune

201 We can either have billionaires or democracy, not both  by Sonali Kohutkar

202 Memorandum 2023  by Bremen study group on Alternative Economic Policy

203 Climate Change Cartoons  by Andy Steckel

204 Fascism 101  by Walden Bello

205 What is literature for?  by Gunter Grass

206 The education crisis – just a symptom of general social failure  by Bernd Liske

207 Is it permissible to criticize the West?   by Stefano de Lorenzo

208 The division of the world  by Wolfgang Bittner

209 How the Gaza War Can Be Big News and Invisible  by Norman Solomon

210 Cracks in the Culture of Silence  by Andy Tamas

211 Instrumental  Reason & Left Politics  by Andreas Hellgermann

212 John Pilger warns of a new fascism

213 Christ among the rubble  by Manova’s world editorial team

214 The Indispensable Opponent   by Ingo Schmidt

215 Learning for Life  by Kerstin Chavent

216 Full Speed Ahead on the Global Titanic  by Norman Solomon

217 German cluster munitions to Ukraine  by Save the Civilians

218 Dear Mr. High Commissioner:  Help Free Assange!  by Consortium News

219 Talking to the left  by

220 Joe Biden & the Gaza War  by Eric Alterman

221 Immigrants are Not Hurting US-born Workers   by Economic Policy Institute

222 The disease of concealment. An open letter to future historians  by Patrick Lawrence

223 Modern societies cannot function without a welfare state  by Malte Kornfeld

224 Saving the planet means saving the world  by Lisa Pelling

225 The difference between wanting to and being able to  by Peter Wahl

226 NATO and the new Cold War  by Volker Brauch

227 Why not fascism?  by Tomasz Konicz

228 Words on war and peace  by Dieter Potzel

229 All people are reporters. On media use in the Internet age  by Geert Lovink

230 Transferring 2000-pound bombs to Israel not Newsworthy  by Norman Solomon

231 A Philosopher’s Critique  by Fabio Vighi

232 Ukraine war: The end result will be a frozen conflict  by John Mearsheimer

233 Roundtable on Current US Foreign Policy. Militarism Unhinged  by  PBenari Jeffrey Sachs

234 We don’t have to be enemies  by Svetlana Novashenova

235 The sun is setting in the West  by Hanover Peace Discussion Group

236 The peace teaching of Jesus is thrown to the wind  by

237 When will we finally end the party of the arms companies?  by David Goessmann

238 NLG protests attacks on Gaza camps  by National Lawyers Guild

239 Trust in Institutions & the War Dividend  by Fabio Vighi

240 Our Zone of Interest: The Noise of Permanent Warfare  by Fabio Vighi

241 A Conversation on our “Nihilistic Age”  by Wendy Brown

242 Compassionate Genocide  by Michael Marder

243 When Students Are a Shock to the System  by Norman Solomon

244 Netanyahu’s war against the truth  by David Goessmann

245 Forward to the 1930s?  by Stephan Schulmeister

246 Framing Palestine. Settler Colonialism  by Zahi Zallova

 247 Israel intensifies Rafah offensive and enters North Gaza  by The Guardian

248 How to Solve the US Housing Problem and Avoid a Recession by Paul Davidson

249 How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain by Bobby Azarian

250 What does the Recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland & Spain mean?

251 Present & Future.  Post-modern consciousness  by Emmerich Nyikos

252 Trump & the Danger of Fascism  by Marc Batko

253 UN Criminal Court: Israel’s means are criminal regardless of military targets by Karim Kahn

254 The Ukrainian attack on global security  by Hans-Peter Pohlaiah

255 Multiple crises & catastrophes  by Alex Demirovic

256 Labor migration has always existed  by Jochen Ottmer

257 Military poisoning of society  by Bernhard Trautvetter

258 Ukraine. Expansion of the battle zone  by Tomasz Konicz

259 A look inside China: Is this the most sovereign country on earth?  by Ben Norton

260 Regaining peacekeeping capabilities  by Uwe Froschauer

261 Another imperialist scam by the US  by Alfred de Zayas

262 Supreme Court Decision Guts Civil Rights Protection for Unhoused People  by ACLU

263 The Enemy and the Libidinal Economy of the Apocalypse  by Fabio Vighi

264 The end of omnipotence  by Jorg Kronauer

265 Capitalism can’t overcome the laws of physics  by Systemic Disorder

266 What Russia proposed in Instanbul in March 2022  by Jeffrey Sachs

267 Supreme Court’s liberal justices warn of law-free zone  by Alexandra Hutzlers

268 The center will not hold   by Tomasz Konicz

269 NATO Summit: Collectives Losing Their Minds by Joe Laurer, Consortium News

270 History, Memory and Donald Trump  by Tom Engelhardt

271 Teaching in the Time of Trump  by Benjamin Justice & Jason Stanley

272 Around the mountain   by Gunther Sosna

273 Our passive society  by Chris Wright

274 Totalitarian Economy & Paranoia of Terror  by Robert Kurz

275 Europe’s Left. The Time of Tactics is Over  by Georg Diez

276 The Ghost of Hubert Humphrey is Stalking Kamala Harris  by Norman Solomon

277 Blue-yellow hypnosis   by Uwe Froschauer

278 Digital Demagogue   by Amy E. Mendes

279 Crisis Beyond the Bubble   by Tomasz Konicz

280 Trump: Philosophical Mogul   by Thomas White

281 The Disordered Soul and Presidency of Donald Trump   by D R Koukal

282 A Peace Policy for the 21st Century   by editors of

283 The Arsonists. How Extremists Took Control Over the Republican Party   by

284 Bad Faith.  January 6, 2021, Documentary on dangerous rise of Christian nationalism

285 SF Mime Troup. American Dreams.  Interview with director Velina Brown

286 Political Signals from Chicago   by Joachim Bischoff

287 Donald Trump & George Orwell   by Patricia Hammer

288 Harris and Trump’s wildly different tax plans explained   by Ellen Ioanis

289 Rereading the victory discourses of liberalism   by Atil Cem Cicak

290 US Foreign Policy and Economic Shifts. Trump vs Harris  with M Hudson & R Wolff

291 The West’s Colossal Mistake. US Decline and BRICS  by Danny Haiphong and R Wolff

292 Ahead of the Social Explosion  by Tyler Durden

293 The West as fighting Russia as if it didn’t have nuclear weapons  by Dmitri Trenin

294 Gaza’s humanitarian catastrophe. Israel holds the key to de-escalation  by M Kunzmann

295 Trump’s Racist Rhetoric is deliberate. Will it lead us to fascism?  by Henry A Giroux

296 The decline of the nation state  by Gunther Sosna

297 Warlike and maladjusted   by Roberto J De Lapuente

298 Global capitalism’s extermination impulse  by William I Robinson

299 Fifty shades of yellow  by Wolfgang Sachsenroeder

300. A deadly billion-dollar grave  by Wolfgang Sachsenroeder

301. A fatal development.  Long-range weapons in Germany  by Uwe Froschauer

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