Voices of the Times – Table of Contents – 2019 to 2014



1. Looking at the planet

By Klaus Mertes

2. Greetings from the future: secularization and de-secularization processes in the trendy Netherlands

By Jan Lofeld

3. Leszek Kolakowski” On the significance of a philosophical admonisher

By Theo Mechtenberg

4. Office and fear

By Stefan Kiechle

5. Christian social ethics as human rights ethics

By Micelle Becka

6.Celibacy and priesthood

By Klaus Mertes

7. Fundamentalists are always the others: Reflections on Catholic, Protestant and Muslim milieu

By Joachim Valentin

8. 30 years since the fall of the wall.  Being Catholic in East Germany

By Christof Wolf

9. Ratzinger’s blind spot

By Christoph Rohl

10 The Kremlin and the Church

By Klaus Mertes

11 “Justice and peace kiss.”  Christians between Israel and Palestine

By David Neuhaus

12. Old white men and the church

By Stefan Kiechle

13. Organized ritual violence

By Martina Rudolph

14. On the way to the synod on Amazonia: Interview with Cardinal Cklaudio Hummes OFM

By Antonio Spadaro

15. 75 years after July 20, 1944

By Klaus Mertes

16. The National Socialist Underground

By Hajo Funke and Byorn Mrosko

17. No end to history: The topicality of Czeslaw Milosz’s “Seduced Thinking”

By Theo Mechtenberg

18. The bishops in Lingen

By Godehard Bruentrup

19. Synodal path but spiritual

By Stefan Kiechle

20. EU between crisis and hope: The principle of subsidiarity is being misused for the purpose of de-solidarization

By Josef Senft

21. Trapped conference

By Bernd Hagenkord

22. Church in a post-secular world

By Christian M. Rutishauser

23. Empathy instead of clericalism: Opportunities and limits of external support in dealing with sexual abuse

By Jorg Fegert

24. On the brazenness in sexual abuse and the clerical culture of guilt

By Hans-Joachim Sandel

25. Spiritual abuse: theological notes

By Klaus Mertes

26. Divisions

By Stefan Kiechle


1. Advent in fears

By Klaus Mertes

2. Religion or spirituality?

By Stefan Kiechle

3. Patriarchal structures and sexualized violence

By Ansgar Wucherpfennig

4. Conspiracy thinking: The secularized Satan

By Michael Mertes


1. The dark side of God

By Klaus Mertes

2. The end of empires

By Stefan Kiechle

3. Reappraissal: More commitment, more speed and finally consequences

By Lars Castellucci

4. Bergen-Belsen

By Klaus Mertes

5. The church as an organization of perpetrators

By Klaus Mertes

6. The Last Generation

By Lea Bonasera

7. The one and divided shurch

By Stefan Kiechle

8. Eucharistic hospitality

By Achim Knecht

9. Being a Christian at the turn of an era

By Fabian Moos

10. Consolation of remembrance: Remembering the silent heroes

By Axel Smend

11. The return of evil

By Stefan Kiechle

12. Spiritual fatherhood

By Stefan Kiechle

13. Abused religion: Ukraine is a victim of religious fundamentalism

By Wolfgang Beinert

14. Religious freedom is a religious right

By Katya Voges

15, Solidarity with Ukraine

By Klaus Mertes

16. Memories and reappraisal

By Christian Rutishauer

17. A dialog on the church

By Jan-Christoph Horn

18. The divided states of America

By Godehard Bruentrup

19. A future free of religion: The religious politics of evolutionary humanism

By Markus Globusch

20. Apocalypse now?

By Stefan Kiechle

21. Rutilio Grande: Martyr of rural pastoral work in El Salvador

By Rudolfo Cardenal


1. The challenge of secularizaation

By Bernhard Grom

2. Pope Francis’ vision for refugees

By Michael Schopf

3. Reviews: Theology and the church

4. Light and darkness of the church

By Stefan Kiechle

5. Russia and Ukraine: Divergence of two societies

By Anna Colin Lebedev

6. Confrontational declarations of religions

By Klaus Mertes

7. The called out ones: The church as pulse and encounter

By Christian Lehnert

8. On weariness

By Stefan Kiechle

9. Life, freedom and language: On the death of Jean-Luc Godard

By Piero Loredan


1. Civil disobedience

By Patrick Zoll

2. Last reservation

By Klaus Mertes

3. Vietnam: Religious freedom in a communist society

By missio

4. Destructiveness in the soul

By Christian M. Rutishauser

5. Truth, lies and emotional turbulence

By Susanne Heine

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